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Beading isn't pretty without these essentials
$1.50 AUD
$4.00 AUD
Bead Shack is one of the longest standing & largest beads shop in Australia!


Shark Tooth Pendant - Large

$4.00 AUD


Shark teeth are always so popular (not just for kids either!).  String them with some wood &/or colourful beads onto some cord for a quick necklace - a great project for the kids to do themselves throughout the school holidays, a quiet weekend or wet weather day.

Use as an addition to a dream catcher design, or any project for school that talks about this type of subject.  Some kids just like to collect, or make their own personally designed piece with them.

Whatever they make or do with these shark teeth, they will be coveted by all - there's just something about them that everyone loves!

Interesting fact:  Sharks can lose a tooth each week!  It can be replaced in just one day!

Click here for some great shark teeth facts from Wikipedia

 Quantity per pack:  1

Measurements:  They are all very different, as you can imagine, but let's say approximately 2 ~ 2.5cm x 1~1.5cm.